Learn more: Contraindications Guide for Light-Based Cosmetic Therapies
This guide provides a useful reference to therapists, doctors, dentists, nurses and other healthcare professionals using or intending to use powerful Class 3B or Class 4 lasers or intense light sources (ILS) – including intense pulsed light (IPL) and LED arrays for cosmetic applications, so that they can reduce treatment-related side effects and avoid adverse incidents.
Subject matter discussed in this guide includes; policies and procedures; contraindications to treatment with laser or intense light sources; identifying conditions requiring special consideration before treating when using this specialist technology; knowing when to refer-on difficult cases; drug interactions in laser and ILS therapy and the effects of alcohol.
Sample pages:
This guide also provides information about drug and herbal remedy photosensitivity to light-based therapy and the risk of blisters, burns and hyperpigmentation and potential impairment of the normal wound healing process.
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