Cosmetic chemistry is not another dictionary of cosmetic ingredients, but an informative and revealing look at the subject of cosmetic chemistry from a Clinical Aesthetician and Beauty Therapist’s viewpoint.
In addition to explaining the basics of cosmetic formulations in the therapists terms, this book shares how to read and understand product labels and evaluate likely product performance and contraindications. From the knowledge gained, the therapist can evaluate a product for themselves rather than being influenced by marketing hype. In this book, we explore the linking skin structure and function to ingredient choice in order to achieve better treatment results and client satisfaction. This will help you provide more informed decisions about treatment strategies and advice regarding client home care options.
True cosmetic chemistry concerns itself not only with what is in our skin care and cosmetic products, but what chemical occurrences are happening in and around the various cells within the skin and how the chemicals in the cosmetics interact with the skins own chemistry